Macroscope(tm) Budget Manager
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Macroscope(tm) Budget Manager


Macroscope can systematize your team's budgeting process by providing a clear structure in which to work. See our best practices pages for more information.

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A service of Arlo Leach
Copyright © 2002-25, all rights reserved

Key concepts

Macroscope is organized around a few intuitive concepts:


When you subscribe to Macroscope, we'll create a new account that you can access online at Each account has its own editable workflow labels to allow a high degree of customization.


When your account is ready, you'll add each member of your team to its user list. You can then set permissions for each user, flexibly providing the ability to log hours and expenses, view reports and edit designated budgets, add projects and users, and edit the global account settings.


The part of Macroscope most familiar to your staff will be the timesheet, a streamlined web form that allows them to log hours with a minimum of fuss. Timesheets don't need to be configured in advance, and anyone can search their past timesheets to look up historical information (e.g., "When did I finish those content edits?").

(click to enlarge)


Besides tracking hours, Macroscope tracks staff members' reimbursable expenses and direct project expenses like shipping and travel for a complete picture of profitability. Staff can even access a historical record of their expense reimbursements for all projects.


The heart of Macroscope is the budget page, where project managers estimate the resources needed for a new project and arrive at a suggested price to charge for it. When the project begins, managers can view reports comparing their team's actual hours and expenses to those on the budget, and quickly see when they start to diverge.